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Sediment Capping Complete, Piling Removal Continues

Sediment Capping Complete, Piling Removal Continues

The interim action capping of dioxin-contaminated sediments in the northern half of Shelton Harbor is complete.  The project started on October 31 with removing creosoted timber pilings within the capping area.  Ninety-one pilings were removed, including the lights and wiring that were attached to some of the pilings.  The capping project added 2.5 to 3Continue Reading Sediment Capping Complete, Piling Removal Continues

Cleanup of Shelton Harbor continues, salmon habitat restoration coming next

Cleanup of Shelton Harbor continues, salmon habitat restoration coming next

The state Department of Ecology (DOE) recently completed the first phase of their cleanup of Shelton Harbor by removing almost 100 creosote pilings. They have now moved on to capping contaminated sediment north of the mouth of Goldsborough Creek. More information can be found here. After DOE finishes with their capping, the Squaxin Island TribeContinue Reading Cleanup of Shelton Harbor continues, salmon habitat restoration coming next

Logjams at the mouth of Goldsborough Creek being built in fall of 2017

Logjams at the mouth of Goldsborough Creek being built in fall of 2017

This fall the Squaxin Island Tribe and the South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group will build nine logjams at the mouth of Goldsborough Creek in Shelton. The logjams will capture sediment and help restore the creek’s estuary, which has been downcutting since the early 1990s. “The logjams at the mouth of the creek and inContinue Reading Logjams at the mouth of Goldsborough Creek being built in fall of 2017

City of Shelton gets a waterfront park as part of the Shelton Harbor project

City of Shelton gets a waterfront park as part of the Shelton Harbor project

The Shelton Harbor project includes protecting Eagle Point, a vital piece of fish and wildlife habitat: The first step of the multi-phase project was to preserve 1,600 feet of shoreline. With a grant written by the tribe, the Capitol Land Trust purchased the 14-acre site at Eagle Point. The land trust then gifted the entireContinue Reading City of Shelton gets a waterfront park as part of the Shelton Harbor project